Dance of Energies
Join Terri and Alex Cole—the founders of YoYoYogi—as they guide you through a personal journey of the chakras, the powerful forces that control your deepest thoughts, desires, actions, challenges and joy.
In a silent space
I hear a voice.
It whispers.
It sings.
What if this voice that speaks in me is a key?
Inside, and though trembling… I take flight.
The energy of the body is fierce and gentle, strong and soft, loud and quiet
The subtle body evokes incredible mystery. In this weekend immersion, go beneath the skin to discover the truth that is locked in our energetic centers. Each of our seven main chakras offer a unique physical and psychic energy, a unique emotional and spiritual quality. When we understand how internal energies subconsciously control our behavior patterns and how the grooves keep our life on repeat; when we take time for keen inquisition and a true willingness to be honest, we can create a life more aligned, free from our chains and open to our possibilities.
the chakra system
Learn the unique attributes of each vital energy center while investigating its dynamic polarity. Explore strengthening practices as well as how to eliminate causes of deterioration. Harness the synergy between the chakras, the natural elements and the vayus—the winds within.
in these 25 hours, we will
activate each of your energy centers through yang + yin practices, chanting and sound, meditation, discussion, journaling, small group activities and visualization. Leave with a greater knowing of your energies within and tools to achieve balance.
Thursday, January 30 • 530 - 930p
Friday, January 31 • 12 - 530p
Saturday, February 1 • 10a - 8p
Sunday, February 2 • 9a - 530p
$499 · unlimited members receive 10% off